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The Teas For Me!

George Dunkerton

Updated: Jun 5, 2022

Our founder George talks about his favourite teas and why we choose what we do!

You might be surprised to know that as the owner of a creative tea blending company, I drink English Breakfast most days. For me, the important thing is comfort and familiarity. English breakfast reminds me of the mornings I would make tea for my mum before school because (I realise now this was strategic flattery) I “make it so well!”

This was when I first discovered the importance of tea ‘offering’ - an act I refer to this as the Coronation Street effect; no matter what soap related disaster (car crash, broken window, fire) the first response is often

"Oh dear - come in, let's put the kettle on!"*

It’s a very simple (and very British!) response to an issue, and it works! It is a display of support, affection and offers time to just be - something we rarely get in a world that moves so fast.

When I moved into tea blending, an important factor for me was to think about ingredients that did the work of caffeine naturally - using stimulating flavours whilst remaining predominantly herbal. The key was to enable that feeling of support and rest. A combination of stimulating and calming (or soothing) ingredients can be found in each blend, and together they provide that desirable balance. But they also play on familiarity - we have a blend that references lemon and ginger (Yes Mate!); one that elevates the hot chocolate (Coco Chilli Mint); another which is a twist on an earl grey (Lemon Grey); a peppermint brew with a surprise (Daydream Believer). One just for me is the Forest Breeze - its combination of berries, eucalyptus and liquorice root always takes me back to my grandad’s sweet tin (from which we were allowed to take just one every visit) and its contents of mainly blackcurrant & liquorice boiled sweets that I adored!

(Tea blends from left to right: Yes Mate!, Coco Chilli Mint, Lemon Grey, Daydream Believer)

When I run tea blending workshops, the focus is on understanding what the ingredients do and gaining a familiarity with certain flavours. We think about how our bodies and minds respond to flavour - does this help us feel calm; does this shock us into action; does this provide stimulation; does this provide some nostalgia? The last one I have developed the most interest in. The healing power of familiarity can be quite strong - studies have pointed out how the idea of ‘grandma’s soup’ can be more healing not only through familirity but also because of the chemical and biological connection. Food anthropologist David Sutton delves into this in his research, discussing ideas such as Commensality (the act of eating together), synaesthesia and Guatemology - the idea that there is a wide spectrum of cultural influences around the idea of taste and other sensory aspects of food. He makes a connection between biological benefit and nostalgia, arguing how much more healing a family members’ food can be because, having been literally made by their hand, it transfers useful and supported DNA amongst the food itself. And I really believe this!

I’m not suggesting, however, that there is no strategy or chemistry to tea blending aside from nostalgic influence. In my workshops I always discuss the recommendation of having ingredients such as Hibiscus, Rosehip and Apple as the base for most herbal and fruit blends as they provide a stable flavour undertone. And most blends can follow the rule of 1:1 ratio for base ingredient(s):additional flavours - all information is listed in my ‘blending 101’ sheet. Other than that, I promote experimentation, which always results in an exciting concoction!

But back to how flavours make us feel or heal: is there also an element of placebo to all this - perhaps? But does it matter - no! Provided we listen to our bodies and brains (we can often know what we need better than others) and apply this to what we take in then we’re onto a winner. I wouldn’t necessarily advise this for all areas of our diet - we can’t always be as indulgent as we might like - but, when it comes to tea I am in full support! This should be a moment of rest, reflection and care - without giving ourselves what we need, this cannot be fully achieved.

Listen to yourself, have a little cup every day and allow that time to be kind to yourself.

Love + tea x

*Let’s not forget also that one of the biggest power surges in the UK is in advert breaks between tv soaps, when everyone goes to pop the kettle on ready for the second half! I know you do it too!

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