Image: Harvest moon, 2020, taken by Garry Hayes in Waterford, California. View at EarthSky Community Photos
New Cycles
September’s new start is not only marked on our calendar, but is marked in nature too. September marks a celebration of food and harvest. September to December is the peak season to harvest crops planted the year before and a time for re-growth and laying groundwork for the following year. So, as well as social recognition, it is natural and instinctive to feel like there has been a shift once this month comes around.
Although harvest celebrations are more commonly associated with Christianity, celebrations around food and crops can be linked to a lot of pagan practices. This is much more about appreciating the value of nature. Recognising its value and impact on our behaviour is a reasonable response; we are reminded of the magic that nature offers and how we adapt to this throughout the year. And why not celebrate it!
Even seeing the change of colours from green to warm oranges and browns, September is full of inspiration. You can’t say this isn’t a special time!
What’s growing on that tree?
Summer may seem like peak time for good fruit and veg, but there is a lot to be said for the September period. Many berries, for instance, are still good to pick and eat in September. Blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are our favourites, which is why they are packed into our Forest Breeze blend. With a herbal mix of berries, eucalyptus and liquorice, this blend gives you all the sense of the late summer, with some cleansing optimism for the colder weather ahead - it is the perfect summary of September!
And speaking of, our Strawberry Fields fruit infusion does a similar job. The sunflower petals in there are a kind reminder of the late summer sun for a bright, fresh feeling.
September is also a great time for picking apples. Apples make up the base in all of our herbal and fruit teas, but are especially celebrated in our Desert Island herbal blend. This is an intriguing mix of spices and fruit… sort of like a gentle mulled cider. It may seem a little early to be making this reference, but we are already surrounded by the spiced pumpkin craze, and who ever said Autumn optimism was a bad thing!?
Let’s bask in the start of a new seasonal cycle and welcome it with arms open wide!
